25 November 2009
November 25

hello dude, tdy i hangout around 3.30. firstly for nurin Im sorry for late, i alwys late kan syg kan? HAHHA then lepastu kami pergi ke tempat tusyn naik turun tgga kan. fuhh penat. then carik tmpt tusyen tu tak dapat, balik lagi then jmp wanie, dga dia bebel² jp psl tusyen ilmu studio. then blah terus gerak pavi, cari baju. omg! i pergi pavi kat cotton on, sumpah lawaaaaaaa -____________- then pergi cuci mata semuaaa, wahh nurin,. tak sbaar nak bershopping laahhh HHAHAAH, lepak mcm orang bodoh then selamat ada bnd bodoh nak digelakan kan nurin?

11:21 PTG
21 November 2009
Relationship survey

1) Single,taken,Crushing,Heartbroken?
= taken

2) Are you happy with that?
= practically yes ( i think ) .

3) Would you kiss your ex?
= woaahhh :O idts

4) Have you ever had your heart broken?
= yeah.many times i think .

5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok?
= yes.

6) Do you believe in love at first sight?
= yup :)

7) Have you ever talked about marriage with another person?
= yes.

8) Do you want kids?
= obviously.

9) How Many?
= 2 only.

10) Do you ever thought about naming them ?
= hahaha.yes :P

11) Have you ever fallen completely in love?
= yes

12) Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
= yup

13) Do you believe you should change for someone?
= for now , yes.

14) Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?
= yup

15) Do you believe in long distance relationships?
= idk lah, mybe susah sikit kot

16) Do you think any one of your friends will repost this?
= not sure.

17) From a scale from 1-10 how much do you like the person you like?
= uncountable.
10:45 PTG
Roller Blade Day

today November 21. HAHAHA is funny day dohh -.- firstly bangun dari tido and then relex dulu tgk movie on 411 and 412 wahhhh semua cerita hantu, then around pukul 2 setengah i ajk bie and wan pergi pavi jap jln² sbb bosan. then jadi org gilaaa jap kat situ mcm tkde pape enn, around pukul 5 i ajk dorang mkn mcd kat bb :) after tuu pergi cari sendal tuuuk mat sorang niii. i jln² lah kat bb, then nmpk fitness rollerblade, first tu i masuk, yang bdk 2 ekor ni excited sgt nak tahu tmpt dia mcm mana, i ckp lah takpe lah tggu my boyf jelah kan. baru syook, dorang taknak, soo pergi jelaah, time masuk tht place, i was like omg!!! excited doooh nak main lajulaju but agk kekok gk enn dah lama tak main, yang minah sorang ni sampai tergolek² then ckp tanak main, lastlast dapat jugak main, sampai tak igt dunia tak ingat rumah nak balikkk, aiisshhh bie biee :) then we thought ths wed nak main lagi, HAHAH yang bestnyee dapat new friend kat sana. choooyyyy! cina tu main rollerblade mcm ...... MJ, MJ pun kalahhh tauuu, wahhahahahha, HAPPY DAYYY. wooot woooot * byeee, tired!
10:03 PTG
10 November 2009
We belong together :)

050609 until today and still counting,we have a lot in common and a lot of tests for as long as we know between one same other.kan b?you had many sacrifice your time for me and many of the things that you should have done against me and i really appreciate it sygg :) thx for everything.ehh b,apology because I always for your heart ill and almost commit big offence.tapi b you ttp bersabar dengan kerenah i kan syggg? hahaha sbb tu i syggg youu sgtsgt,btw I hope our relationship will remain and forever .

♥ ♥ ♥ with all my love
10:16 PTG
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