13 Mei 2010
This is what i call LOVE

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Muhd Kamandaka ♡♡♡

To me you perfect in my eyes,you're everything to me b. haha when I with you, I able experience difference and you really ♡♡♡ me kan b? but sometime, kau mmg annoying gile cina gemoook. haha suka buat aku marah, pastu? haha gabra time nak pujuk aku, kau selalu jadi mangsa bully aku kan debab? PLEASEEE (!) do not go in my life and promise do not could have hurt me anymore,oky b?perhaps we not many equation but we love each other kan gemok kaaan?so as long as have this chance hope us use with should, awww awwww, you're my gemook,chubby,cina selenge ^^ thnks god because give me a could care for my heart and he can bring joy to me. ETY no more cryyyyy :O hahaha~~~

5:07 PTG
01 Mei 2010
Here We go (!)

Hello, Act i dedicate this song to one who most I miss and love, but now he's far far far far AWAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY in my life, you know what baby. I gonna love and yearn you. NOOOOOOOOO (!) if possible I want ask at Allah, so that lost my memory on you so that could not remember you anymore, but what force? we as ordinary human could only afford to plan and Allah determine, isn't? we only can look what would happened after this, kan kan? heee :') you already has a girlfriend, similarly me, hope us happy by means we choose kan? Im apologize if i do something wrong yesterday. I not intend want make you so, seriouslyyy doh. Im sorry again -END'S-


U're my love now, seriously oh (!) increasingly day increasingly I love you and able accept you in my life, may be from here I able forget he kan syg kan? I too much cause pain your heart, this time I will your heart guard and will not let you go away in my life, That my promise syg
10:47 PG
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