27 Oktober 2010

It has never been easy to be patient, but it's probably harder now than at any time in history. In a world in which messages can be sent across the world instantly, in which seemingly everything is available for immediate purchase with a few clicks of the mouse, it's hard not to always expect instant gratification. But patience remains a valuable tool in life. We don't always get instant gratification, and some of the best things in life require years of hard work and waiting. Fortunately, patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured.

10:00 PTG
Life? Up and Down

ohmaiGosh ~~ I hate this life , Sometimes I think to run away from all this, escape from reality but reality as it is isn't? Allah please help me :'( I was really hurt and pain,I like do not want to undergo this test, I was too weak, but wht can i do? Just follow ths way. pray,pray and keep praying. Oh God, I want my happiness and Daka normalcy, tak larat nak lalui semua ini SERIOUSLY I was too weak to undergo all these tests, lemah sgtsgt. Sometimes I like giving up with this life, Please Allah :'( give back to normal life, I really need him in my life soooooo muchhhh (!) Fullstop.

Muhd Kamandaka ♥♥♥

Can you fulfill my request? Do you can feel what I feel daka? I am sick to continue this, I just need you.I know you love me but please stop hurt my heart, I know I'm wrong, but I really want to change this relationship like before. pleaseeee (!) *-* I think our relationship is really changing, and not as it used to, I want the old crew, who always loved me, always bully me and I'll always be a victim of you, I laughed and we laughed together, but all that has gone with a flash for my stupid mistake . I really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ this relationship TOO MUCH.I think you already far from me , i need you OLD VERSION you MK

12:45 PG
26 Oktober 2010
Happiness && Sadness

Muhd Kamandaka ♥♥♥

This My Old MK, Now he's already changed :'( I know all this due to me, but you need to know that I really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you, seriously ! I know all of this happened because I was a stupid act first, I was never honest with you, not loyal, cheating, hurting you. Ya Allah give strength to your servant is facing this trial. What should I do? B, please forgive me, i know its all my fault but please i just need you now, I always miss our memories. What we've ever made. What we once shared. Our stories, our memories, our laughter and EVERYTHING. You said ' it's all your fault && all ths happen because of you TY ' oky fine, idk. I never blamed you why the situation be like this && I also dnt blame TAKDIR for all of my sources, I never appreciated wht you feel before, maybe this is always the talk of 'the law of karma & what goes around comes around' but please, i really miss old version of you Muhd Kamandaka ;'( If I could turn the time, I will fix all the mistakes I've ever done

4:45 PTG
05 Ogos 2010
This is for You Love

Muhd Kamandaka ♥♥♥

I am sorry all this while I always cause pain your heart, make you cry and in this relationship this already done a lot mistake and I too egoist kan daka? I regrets with my mistake, I too much cheating you :'( I too violent make you so while you too good and always patient with my attitude! ETY YOU'RE SO SUCKKKKK,ENOUGH ETY!LOVE HIM AND TRY MAKE HIM HAPPY AND STOP CAUSE PAIN THE HEART! AWAK KEJAM ETY! cube awak dkt tmpt daka? every night i think what that had I does for you syggg, kejam gile ety ni kan? I not ever seen you scowl reach like tht daka, ety mintk maff sgtsgt, ety betul³ khilaf dan takkan buat bnde ni lagi, SERIOUSLY I LOVE THS RELATIONSHIP B, i dnt want to loss you daka ! this time I will repair all mistake and going to care this relationship Im promise and last.
i dont care you never believe me but I want you believe me one thing that is I always love you B, IM SWEAR :'(

you Daka
9:47 PTG
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