18 Julai 2010
Love suck,fake,fuck

Why love is a waste of your time.

1. First, the expression most commonly used with love is “falling in love.” There is no better word to describe it. It is indeed “falling” in love, and that’s what sucks about it. You are tricked into it like an addictive gambling game, and then you are tripped, and you fall, and you keep falling in a seemingly endless spiral. And, like everything that falls, you eventually hit a bottom, and it will be hard and painful. Falling in love only gives you an incurable ache when you reach the end.

2. Second, love is blind. You will walk into love without seeing it, and you will follow love without noticing it. It will dictate your life, and you will not know it until the blindfold is gone, and you love no more. Only then will you realize what kind of sheep you had been while under the spell of love.

3. Third, love hurts. When you fall in love, there are many times when your feelings are not returned, resulting in a painful void in your heart. The pain will seem unbearable, and was not worth the heady feeling you got before your love was not returned. After realizing the truth behind the disadvantages of love, and after experiencing the heartbreak for yourself, will you only realize how meaningless and futile your love was. Your love will only cut you open in the end.

4. “All is fair in love and war.” This commonly used saying is very true, and will ony result in your downfall. Love often strikes many people at once, and for the same thing or person. Competition is what war is about, and love is just the same. You will compete with others to show your affection, and prove your love is most worthy. But, so will everyone else. When competition reaches your friends and family, and you focus only on the art of competition for love, you begin to lose the things you held dear before love struck you. Chances are, you will lose the competition to someone else, and you will be left with nothing, having sacrificed everything to try and win.

5. The most important reason that love sucks, and is not worth your time: your love is no more important than someone else’s. Unless you are some sort of Casanova or Eros, the Greek god of Love and Passion, your love is only important as long as someone believes it is. To keep someone in need of your love, it takes a lifetime of adoration and spontaneity, or else they will look to someone else for the same love and adoration. In the end, love can only hurt you.

Dear Muhd Kamandaka

Its hard to get real love rite?
its hard love with people which not unanimous and one soul with me kan daka kan?in this relationship,I always blamed,nastiest,worst semua yang buruk semua dkt aku kan? I certainly unfit to obtain you kan? mmg tak layak pn ety -.-' seriously ths relationship this love waste my time.I give everything for you,my love,my miss,my honesty to love you. ape lagi yang tak cukup?I know this stemmed from my fault, I do like this because I pressured with your attitude. always busy and can't spend more time with me, IM FCUKING JEALOUS WITH ALL MY FRIENDS, bf dorang selalu spnd time together, can laugh,can share story :'-( but when my turn? its no fair daka, but when i talk on this matter, daka selalu lari.tukar topik, WHT YOU WNT FROM ME DAKA? Pls tell me, when I remember your promise near me at Genting Highland. Im crying and im sick of crying daka. I unable for person loss that I love for the second the times (!) please, YA ALLAH, why never this tear stop dripping for people that I love?! its not fair, yes i really love him :'-( to much babyyyy, and i always needed you MUHD KAMANDAKA, Can you hear me? can you listen to my groan? kenapa awak tak fikir semua ini, and I am sorry because stupid offence I that had I doing :'-(

you Daka
2:26 PTG
17 Julai 2010
This is Real of my life

Friday, July 16

last sch of this week, skip sch. pg pg dah bgn lmbt :-) then ema,yanie,windy && ucop semua dah plan nak pergi ke TT for looking my DONUT running haha merentas desa lah katekan ekk yg? then amek cab then smp cari tmpt makan dulu, ety tak makan? mati agknye, and then lepak je then buat keje tak senonoh. pasuh bdkbdk ni pulak nak g wangsa walk nak berkaroeke katenye first tu mcm berat en nak pg, stay jap kat sane, tgk pulak my DONUT lari, walaweeehhhh kelaka sumpah kelaka see my gemok lari, :-D big laugh dibuatnye kihkihkih then ajk lah myB 4llow ke wngse walk kan, frst tu die nak then last last die tkdpt 4llow. oky i pg dulu wangsa walk katenye letter die 4llow. then Windy boleh pulak ajk si Razzi, aisemen. si B****** tu smp dgn KERETE pinjam die, in he car, kene bahan bagai, korang bahan bf aku en? walaweeehhh taksedar diri ke wei ? btw NVM, org bodo je lyn si Razzi tu ~~ End's

Saturday, July 17

Wake Up then pergi sport day, tired -.- and nothng to say. balik,mkn,tido -.- mlm fight with him (f***)

Today, July 18

Wake up and get call from him, say Morning! oh seriously takde mood lah nak gedik² dgn kau, muaaaak! and seriously cruel. yeahh I know. then he said he want to go to Snwy Lagoon, oky nvm! bila tang aku nak have fun dgn mmbe² aku, mcm ni lah mcm tu lah, aku kat sini? sikit pn tak hrau kan, many people that want so third person in this relationship, SHIT! What you want from ths relationshp act? tak phm betul lah, Damn Damn Damn, today I want to do something that I feel can make me happy :-D chill ety, ramai lagi laki kat sana nak kau kan kan? hmm
8:39 PTG
12 Julai 2010
Never say never


Hiii, alahaaai bosan betul lah, first today i skip sch sbb dmm -,-' aissh sakit kepale semua then tkde bt ape kt rumah. nak txt dgn sp² tak blh, sbb my hp rosak, hmm then ptg skit i on fb mcm org bdo, Ya Allah, lama² fed up lah mcm ni. ada bf mcm tkde, always busy busy &&& busy. I kat sini sorang². huhh,when seeing other person happy, felt want like tht.hang out with Bfrnd, laugh.romantic and etc. fucking jealous, heh! tape, oneday I would be able happiness like that kan kawan kan? tape tape, now you leave me && you find me when you need me isn't? no big deal :-) as long as you afford to cause pain my heart, go on. i have my friends to gve me big smile, kan fy kan? kan ma kan? kan yanie kan? so tarak haaal. What goes around comes around, just follow this way. here were go!

9:30 PTG

when you LOVE,you get HURT,when you get hurt,you HATE,when you hate, you try to FORGET,when you try to forget,you start MISSING && YOU'LL EVENTUALLY FALL IN LOVE AGAIN
its really hard to find someone to trust,isn't?

Jani: Hmm Semua orang nggak ada yg percaya kalo kita akan terus slmnya
Radit: Huh,mereka semua tau apa ttg kita. Hahh! Mereka semua tuh nggak tau taitai nya kita
Jani: Mereka pikir kita nggak bisa hidup bhgia Tapi aku bhgia hidup bersama si bodoh ku ini
Radit: Bahgia tuh kita yg cipta'in bkn mereka,Mereka pikir kalo gw nggak bisa bg lo rumah, mobil, baju bgs.itu artinya gw nggak bisa mmbgiain lo.
Jani: Mereka nggak tahu gmnanya kita
Radit: Kitakan slalu berdua & nggak ada pernah bisa pisahin kita,kita punya cara kita sendri,kita punya dunia kita sendiri
Jani: Aku sayang kamu bodoh!
Radit: Aku juga sayang kamu ....

Hello && Assalamualaikum All's, hmm, long time no update blogger, dulu time couple dgn my ex-B selalu lah kan update share story semua :) bt now? always busy and lazy to update meng-update ni, aisssh ahaha oh my god, i really miss my memories with you TWEETY, you know who you're, i rmmber when you hug me,kiss me at Genting, hmm but now? bila lagi lah kan nak dapat semua tu, Now you always busy busy busy, hmm tatahu laaa, sometimes i try to undrsntd your position mcm mana, but im failed. SH** oh my god! pleaseeee laah, i always miss your hug and everythng wht you do to me at Genting :-( seriously i really³ love you Tweety. aku nak tiap hari jmp kau, kau selalu ada untuk aku mok, but now? msg jarang,call jarang, ape tah lagi nak 3G, aissshhh I miss my old Daka, mana dia hilang heh? -.- smp bila nak selalu busy eh? harap sgt dia dapat phm ape yg aku nk in ths relationship ni , last word I miss you and I love you


5:36 PTG
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